Latest News
Sun July 20
Open Studio Project Closing
Dear Friends,
The open Studio Project/ Gallery 301 will be closing at the end of this month. For about 15 months I had use of an amazing space in the heart of historic Pioneer Square. I’m grateful to Storefronts Seattle for this opportunity. The first show was presented by Rulon Brown. His installation received great reviews and lead to many other opportunities including a show at Seattle Art Museum’s REMIX.
Thanks to Rulon Brown, Laura Castellanos, and Juan Alonso for sharing their talents. It was great to see large works by Laura and Juan on the walls of the gallery.
A special thanks goes to Juan Alonso who was instrumental in keeping the space lively while I traveled to and from Baltimore. Thanks again to these wonderful artist, and amazing people.
Our loss is your gain. Juan is having a sale. He needs to downsize for his new space. Feel free to stop by the space, or give him a call to set up an appointment.
Juan 206-390-4882
Thank you to those who supported my Souper Fundraiser. Your generosity is deeply appreciated. It was an amazing night with wonderful energy. Thank you to Max Billet for the yummy soup.
Today I’m performing for the Artscape festival in Baltimore as part of High Zero’s Worlds in Collusion. I’ll play solo cello at 3pm on the University of Baltimore Stage. This will be my first public performance in Baltimore. Looking forward…
Tuesday I’ll present a public lecture for the summer MFA program from 6-8 at the Lazarus Center Auditorium at the Grad Student Center at MICA.
I just got back from Liverpool and London…..
Lots to digest…..
Visited the Liverpool Biennial, The Tate, FACT and the International Slave Museum…
I went to Liverpool to learn about American history….
Lots to digest.
More Soon.
Stay Strong.
301 Occidental Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98104

Paul Rucker
Paul Rucker is a visual artist, composer and musician who combines live performance, sound, original compositions and visual art. His work is the product of a rich interactive process, through which he investigates community impacts, human rights issues, historical research and basic human emotions surrounding a particular subject matter.
Oct 6, 2012 8am–5pm
Race, Education, and Criminal Justice Conference
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
Featured speaker/cello performance
Nov 1, 2012 6:30–8:30PM
Artist Trust 2012 Awards Party
Seattle Center: Experience Music Project
Recognition of the Conductive Garboil Grant
More info at
Conductive Garboil After Party
Tashiro Kaplan Artists Lofts #508