Mon June 20
Interactive performance: Scribe, Send, Sound – Bumbershoot Visual Art Poster
Dear Friends,
Hope all are well. Next week I’m continuing with my series of interactive performances by presenting Scribe Send Sound.
Audience members will be invited to send stories, poems and other writing to the band, before and during the show. New compositions will be created based on the messages received. Writers will also be invited to bring laptops and other mobile devices and write. The hope is to provide a space to create. Wi-Fi will be available during concert.
Paul Rucker: Cello, Double Bass
Hans Teuber: Saxophone
Eric Eagle: Drums
June 24th, 2011, 8pm
Chapel Performance Space at Good Shepherd Center
4649 Sunnyside Ave N, 4th Fl, Seattle, WA
Sliding Scale $5-$15, All ages.
Send writings to: {encode="" title=""}
I’ve been asked to create this year’s Bumbershoot Fine Arts poster, which will also be a graphic musical score. “Sustenance” is a combination of photos and music notation, where the raindrops are musical notes and the clouds are phrase markings used in musical notation. A representation of a three-movement composition, it consists of contrasting parts titled nourishment, endurance and strength. The accompanying musical composition will be available as a free download beginning a week prior to the Festival. I’m honored to be part of this 40-year tradition, which has included some amazing artists.
If you can make it to the show next week, it would be great to see you. I’ll have a more complete update soon.
Many thanks,
Paul Rucker
Paul Rucker is a visual artist, composer and musician who combines live performance, sound, original compositions and visual art. His work is the product of a rich interactive process, through which he investigates community impacts, human rights issues, historical research and basic human emotions surrounding a particular subject matter.
Oct 6, 2012 8am–5pm
Race, Education, and Criminal Justice Conference
University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA
Featured speaker/cello performance
Nov 1, 2012 6:30–8:30PM
Artist Trust 2012 Awards Party
Seattle Center: Experience Music Project
Recognition of the Conductive Garboil Grant
More info at
Conductive Garboil After Party
Tashiro Kaplan Artists Lofts #508